We grow
your business to perfection

What is Time4Mind?

Digital signature

A signature is the action which gives legal value to a contract or transaction, and in an increasingly digital world, this legal value is guaranteed by a digital signature. Because it gives a file authenticity and integrity, making any process that needs a signature more efficient, faster and more eco-friendly because it is totally paperless.


It is not uncommon for digital identities to be stolen when using the Internet.  Preserving these identities – therefore always guaranteeing access only to those who are authorized to do so – is a need and a necessity. Time4mind technology guarantees user authentication thanks to defense systems based on cryptography and two factor authentication (strong authentication) with one-time passwords that are generated every few seconds on your smartphone.


Both on-premise and many cloud storage services use an old security paradigm that has some fundamental vulnerabilities. Their security architecture allows anyone working on the servers, and therefore also possible hackers, to read the information of each individual user. Our encryption services, on the other hand, add an additional level of security that guarantees the privacy and security of your data.

Let us grow your business to the highest standards


We can offer you an off-the-shelf digital signature solution suited to your needs


We have 20 years’ experience in the field of digital signatures


Our quality is certified and compliant with European legislation


We are leader in the Italian market where the digital signature in Europe was first developed

So, that is our story. Now tell us who you are


Does signing paper slow down your business? Would you like to be more efficient with a digital signature with legal value even from a smartphone?


Do customers ask you if they can
digitally sign documents
with the software you developed?

Digital Large Account

Do you need a digital signature
architecture to integrate
into your data center?

With Time4Mind all the power of Intesi Group products available as a cloud service.

Time4Mind is Intesi Group’s cloud platform designed and developed using expertise built up over 20 years of research and development activities in Italy, the European country that has been at the forefront of the introduction of digital signatures with legal value in authorization processes. Time4Mind is the natural evolution of Intesi Group products in cloud services, easily accessible for scalable projects of any size, without initial investment costs.

Find out more on Intesi Group



The Qualified Signature Creation Device certificate issued by the Austrian authority A-SIT (Austria – Secure Information Technology Center) for the PkBox signature solution according to Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014 on electronic identification, authentication and trust services (“eIDAS”). View Certificate.


Intesi Group is qualified, according to Regulation (EU) n. 910/2014 for the provision of qualified trust services. View Certificate


Intesi Group is a member of the Adobe Approved Trust List. View list.

SPID Aggregator

Intesi Group is listed by the Italian Government on the AgID website among SPID aggregators. View list.

 SPID Service provider

Intesi Group is listed by the Italian Government on the AgID website in the SPID Service Provider Registry. View list.

ISO 9001:2015

Quality management system.
View certificate.

ISO/IEC 27001:2013

Information security management system. View certificate.


Intesi Group is listed by the Italian Government on the AgID website among the PEC providers. View list.