
Any company with sufficiently numerous internal or external authorization processes to justify the transition to digitalization.

Do you want your customers, suppliers and staff to sign with a click from their smartphone?

Simple and flexible:

Today, almost all documents are created in digital format, but at some point, when it is necessary to sign them, we print them, and we go back in time! How many paper documents are still circulating in your company? Paper slows down processes and increases costs. Thanks to Valid Sign you can sign from a PC or smartphone, when and where you want, saving time and money.

Do you want a secure digital transformation with legal validity?


In 2016, the European Regulation eIDAS (electronic IDentification Authentication and Signature) came into force. eIDAS is the basis for the creation of the Digital Single Market in Europe because it gives Digital Signatures the same legal value as handwritten signatures in all Member States. All Time4Mind solutions are eIDAS compliant and certified according to all the standards and technical rules imposed by Agid and EU regulations.

Do you want to acquire new customers online securely? Do you want to speed up the signing of a new online contract?


Nowadays, many companies need to increase the activation rate of new online products/services. This also reduces back office operations and costs and shortens the time needed to open relationships with new customers. Eliminating paper and going digital also ensures that the customer’s experience matches today’s expectations. With Valid Sign all these requirements can be met, implementing a contract signing workflow for new customers based on Digital Signature and which can be integrated with public digital identity services.

Looking for professional consulting on how to digitize your authorization processes?
Do you want to know the legal implications of digital signatures?


With more than 20 years’ experience and success in the Italian and international markets, we can place our know-how and expertise at the service of our clients to support them in the design of digital transformation solutions. We are used to working side by side with company legal advisors to identify the best solutions not only from a technical but also a regulatory point of view.